Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 11:02:18 GMT -5
TO all: ETERNAL LIFE NOW THATS a GOOD one...LOL...LOL...LOL...I can't stop laughing.
You die, it goes dark, and then the BUGS EAT YOU!!!! THATS IT...HELLO .....WAKE UP!!!!
Harold and Allen: You missed the point: I don't believe in homosexuality either, for ONE reason: Sex organs are supposed to be used for reproducing. PERIOD. But I WILL NOT condemn them for the way they were born! Lets try not to get on that subject..O.K. Living a life based on a FICTIONAL BOOK and being BRAIN WASHED by it ( " Oh no, I'm not going to heaven and live for ever.I might go to hell. If I don"t live my life according to a fictional book ). YES I'd rather be gay.
Contrary to the Perfect living bible preachers ( a long with Swaggert, Baker,and all these WONDERFUL Catholic priests ). Homosexuality has NOTHING to do with the SEX ACT ...GOD WAKE UP.....
NOW one more POINT: Is it fair that I " SPEW " what I MIGHT believe in? IS it fair to get on here to TRY to tell others what to do ( going to see a silly Oliver Stone movie ) WITHOUT knowing history. All the while preaching THEIR beliefs?
ARE we getting the point yet? Do you REALLY want me to go on?
Post by enginterzi on Nov 29, 2004 11:07:15 GMT -5
so Christian,our hidden evil deeds wont be punished one day?i really would like to know what you think about why and how this life happenned.
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 11:24:37 GMT -5
Engin, my friend, I was wondering when you were going to join in?
Sorry. I Don't get into what I believe in or don't believe in. BUT remember I'm a TRUE CHRISTIAN...LOL...LOL.... Its NOBODIES business. I don't preach, unlike others, who will no matter what "TRY " to tell people how to live by their beliefs. ITS just WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are the fingers?
Post by gambit on Nov 29, 2004 11:28:56 GMT -5
Whoa, whao, whoa, Christian....lol...I got your point the first time. I was just messing with you. I believe, believe it or not, people can believe whatever they want to...believe. Do you believe me? See ya
Post by enginterzi on Nov 29, 2004 11:30:37 GMT -5
i just wondered about what you think about it.i think he didnt mean to teach you but tried to have a protection.but i guess we all are grown to make our desicions.i believe his purpose was good but maybe the way that he did was wrong.i againg think you took it as disrespectfulness by being told what to,or what not to do.
fingers are getting better but not 100%,elbow s still bad as it was in last 3 years.left is good enough to toproll urs for sure.
Post by Ryan Thames on Nov 29, 2004 11:41:38 GMT -5
I have had numerous people who are greatful that i warned them. If you wanna watch gay porn. or just a movie that the prevews totally give you the wrong idea with the movie. Thats your business. i had plenty of people tell me they didnt know alexander was gay. Ive had plenty of people say they was going to watch the untill i told them about it. The previews totally lead you to believe this will be an awesome war movie with the drama of women such as angelina jolie and that other chic. But all it was ,and the critics that do this for a living agree, that it was one step away from being a gay porn. With nothing but the drama of his gay lover and a few war sences in the mddle. If you think its ok for people to be gay thats your business as far as a movie it sucked. it was extremly boring. Maybe my warnign was a lil strong and i apologize if i came off the wrong way. but i dont repent of it like i said many people are greatful of my warning them. ALLEN: i wish i could change this subject its defenitly took a turn for the worse
Post by Harold "Rattlesnake" Ryden on Nov 29, 2004 11:53:17 GMT -5
Christian I never criticised your beliefs...NOW DONT CRITICISE MINE!!!! I only asked you a question based on my beliefs. You dont have to believe...whatever, I never preached to you, but now that I'm pissed, I will say this, You will one day believe in God...I just pray it happens before you die.
p.s. Christians are NOT perfect, we are just FORGIVEN!!!
Post by enginterzi on Nov 29, 2004 11:54:28 GMT -5
according to your belief.
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 12:23:28 GMT -5
Harold: See you got my point! What you said exactly...my friend. Thank You, but you don't have to pray for me. There is a lot more people out there that need it more the myself.....Take care....
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 12:24:37 GMT -5
I meant to say: " there ARE alot of people......WADDA, WADDA, WADDA
Post by Harold "Rattlesnake" Ryden on Nov 29, 2004 12:28:54 GMT -5
You got me going Christian, good one. I will still be praying for you,
your friend
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 12:30:28 GMT -5
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 12:31:31 GMT -5
Engin: will you STOP thinking you can toproll me.
Post by enginterzi on Nov 29, 2004 15:20:00 GMT -5
im not thinking,im writing about what im capable of doing:)
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Nov 29, 2004 17:34:46 GMT -5