Post by Kurt Howgate on Mar 16, 2011 at 1:50pm
Post by Deleted on Mar 16, 2011 at 4:01pm
That was awesome. Score one for the Fat Kids of the US
Post by Johnny Edwards on Mar 16, 2011 at 5:58pm
I bet that messed his knee up
Post by John Wilson on Mar 16, 2011 at 6:22pm
I saw this on FB a day or so ago. I commented there, but it's been deleted. I stand behind what I said then. I think the big boy taught the little bully a valuable life lesson. Hopefully the little punk learns his lesson by this minor ass-whipping at 12 years old- and won't have to learn the lesson at 17 by getting shot.
I was a really small kid and I got bullied relentlessy. I was so afraid of getting into trouble for fighting that I would take all sorts of abuse rather than fight back. Finally, I had enough from one particular bully who'd been riding me for the entire school year and I busted his ass in the mouth. Lo and behold, the bullies left me alone after that. The shame of it all was realizing that I had been suffering needlessly all the while - had I stood up for myself as soon as the bullying started, it could have been ended had I fought back.
To a scared kid, everyone else seems really tough. Imagine this boy in the video. It took this incident for him to realize that he can trounce anyone who wants to try him. I hope he learned that lesson, too.
We do our children a giant disservice by making them pacifists at all costs. It is a noble intention but it is not based in reality. Bullies understand fear and strength. There will always be bullies. To a bully, fear is to be exploited and strength is to be avoided. Ignoring that reality is wrongheaded. We turn our children into victims when we instill passivity into them by confusing self defense with aggression.
Jesus told us to turn the other cheek, but God only gave us two cheeks.
Post by Johnny Ordonne on Mar 16, 2011 at 6:28pm
John Wilson, you speak with great wisdom and I enjoy reading your post!
Post by Kurt Howgate on Mar 16, 2011 at 6:44pm
I heard on the radio that the small kid got 21 days suspension from school, while the big kid got 4 days suspension.
Also, they said the parents of the little kid are suing!
Post by John Wilson on Mar 16, 2011 at 7:33pm
Johnny, thank you for your kind words.
I realize the school has to suspend both for fighting. It's their job to protect all the kids, not just the victims. But I also hope that the suspensions are what you say, recognizing that the big kid did act in self defense.
The sad fact is that another kid recorded this on video instead of going to get a teacher to put a stop to it. I suspect that it was a friend of the bully, hoping to use the video to further humiliate the big boy who was being bullied. I don't know that, it's just my reaction from seeing the video.
Post by John Wilson on Mar 16, 2011 at 7:36pm
I don't think they will get anything after the courts view the tape..the big kid could have continued whoopin on him, but walks away. Amazing!!! That's worse than gettin pimp slapped in the face. If he was my kid I would be very proud of him... Totally agree. The big boy could have stomped all over the bully's head or kicked his ribs in. He didn't. He saw it was over and he left the situation.
Post by Hungry Hippo on Mar 16, 2011 at 7:52pm
very sad...but my kid is 10 yr old and he 130 lbs. and hes been taught good. He knows not to take any BS from other kids...but he also knows not to ever start anything or I will have his head on a platter....for instance last year at school on the very last day he was on the bus and a bully come up to him and just smacked him in the face for no reason and my son had never experienced any sort of behavior like this from anyone...anyway, my kid gave the bully a haymaker straight to the face and knocked him clean out!! the camera on the bus saved my ass cause the parents and school were all over this...The bully was not allowed back to the same school this year..I felt terrible, but like John said you just cant be too passive.
Post by TK on Mar 16, 2011 at 8:22pm
Beautiful video!
If all bullies would take @$$ whippings like that.... Lmao
Post by Stephen Pickron "Pic" on Mar 16, 2011 at 11:36pm
I teach my kids not start any junk , but not to take any either...bullies thrive off of a persons fear ...when u show them u aint scared it really gets in their head!!
Post by Ryan Thames on Mar 16, 2011 at 11:38pm
That was truly an awesome video lol
Post by Joey "TANTRUM" on Mar 17, 2011 at 1:43am
Priceless kid can't even walk afterward lmao lil punkass
Post by Logan Schuetzle on Mar 17, 2011 at 5:42am
I had little punks like that at my school. I was shy and Had one pick on me everyday before class. until one day he walked by and slapped me in the face. I Couldn't take it anymore so I pushed him into the locker is hard as I could. He laughed as he got up off the floor, but never picked on me again
Post by "VENGEANCE" -David Rivera- on Mar 17, 2011 at 9:57am
That video put a smile on my face .. No i'm not that sick ..damn Mainly the street fighter music it cracked me up.