Again, I really like Ron Paul. I have a question though ABOUT his foreign policy.
We'll take the POPULAR Iran issue.
His take on it, IN MY PARAPHRASED viewpoint, just after watching alot of speeches is basically:
"Well can you blame them for being so pissed off? Or for wanting a nuclear weapon? Why not? We have nuclear weapons? And the reason they're so pissed off at us is because we've been over there stirring the pot for 50+ years."
Ok I agree with him on all historical facts - he is one of the few that actually pays attention to history. Santorum when referencing the Iran situation only went back to the seventies, when they did their thing to US, etc. etc. Whereas Paul goes back to when our involvement with Iran started moreso in the 50s, and when we really started GETTING INVOLVED in THEIR politics and political situation.
I am one of the ones that just wishes we'd leave everyone alone, bring the boys home from these hopeless and I MEAN hopeless countries.
But I also am of the mind that whats done is done - weve meddled in other countries' business for too long, we shouldnt have done it, but we did, and now they ARE pissed, some DO hate use for it, and given the right resources, weapons, they PROBABLY would want to wipe us off the map. So here we are now.
Option A: we keep on pressuring the international community to increase sanctions - keep a watchful eye, and keep a watchful eye ourselves to make sure they don't gain nuclear power, for our sake, and for the sake of our allies
Option B: we wait for them to attack and respond
I don't see a 3rd option - but maybe someone can add one I'm missing?
I LIKE his foreign policy when it comes to these current issues, but I don't believe them to be realistic. Mr Paul has great ideals, making me wish he would have been our president 40-50 years ago to stop alot of these things from happening in the first place.
That being said - I wouldn't let that stop me from voting for him - as I like his stance on everything else moreso than the other candidates - and thats what you have advisors and intelligence for, to help you make decisions regarding foreign policy ONCE IN OFFICE.
As far as the GOP conventions - conservatives - etc.
Conservative means so many different things these days, its a term thats been gangbanged by people from all over the REPUBLICAN LIBERTARIAN and even INDEPENDENT spectrum.
Just like LIBERAL means different things to different folks, as does democrat.
I consider myself conservative because of what I BELIEVE it means - SIMPLY less government LESS infringement on individual freedoms - conservative economic and spending policies - just like you should be CONSERVATIVE WITH YOUR OWN FINANCES, as should the government be conservative with OUR money.
Conservative on social issues - the loud voice of the few should not be able to drown out and command the voice and livelihoods of the majority, and should not be able to gain leverage through lawsuits and political correctness.
I am a person of faith - and I have no problem voicing that in political circles. The founding fathers didn't either and only fools really believe the POLITICALLY CORRECT definition of church and state. They were of course not perfect men, and did not have perfect morals - but overall in the culture back then, I think people sure did try a whole more to be decent. At the same time, I personally don't think you can push your religion onto other people. Thats what the founding fathers wanted - to be able to practice your faith freely without the government getting in the way, or demanding you follow any certain religion. But all of this Crap about not being able to mention God or pray in public or pray in school because people might get offended??? FOOLS
ITS NO SECRET the decline of society over the last 50-60 years - and you can attribute that to whatever you want.
As far as the GOP conventions - I have no problem with anyone calling B.O. a socialist marxist communist liberal chicago-style political pawn, because by definition of all those things, he is trying to move the country in that direction. Most people offended by those terms being related to the president cant even tell you what they mean.
I HOPE Ron Paul can gain the traction needed to PULL A BIG ONE on the media, on the establishment, on everyone...but I don't see it happening. But even if he does, I think he still needs to shift a few of his ideals into the current state of the world. I'd like to say WE CAN START OVER AND DO THINGS RIGHT, and we can with somethings, but on other issues, we made our bed and we have to sleep in it.
ANYONE WITH A BRAIN and a CORE can listen to political analysts and decipher the BS from the TRUTH. I'm sorry I can't watch any liberally charged news outlet for any extended amount of time because TRUTH - MOST of what is being spewed is simply spinning whatever the truth really is. The heart of the liberal movement today is rooted in communism - which is fine if thats what you believe, but the US is a republic, and there are plenty other countries to go if you want to live in a Utopian communist society
Fox News people can go overboard - but you will find more opinions from both sides of the isle on that channel than anywhere else. There are liberal people that pop up on fox news all day long that i absolutely detest politically and if i knew them probably personally, and there are conservatives/republicans that annoy me to. But usually its not because i disagree with the heart of what they are saying, but because of how OVERBOARD they go with their views, which can often turn into arrogance.
I don't have the same tolerance for the left, and what lies at the heart of that agenda is moving this country in a direction that I DO NOT LIKE, and I have no room for that.