Post by A L L E N F I S H E R on Oct 24, 2012 21:38:05 GMT -5
Post by Michael Wells on Oct 24, 2012 22:32:36 GMT -5
I expect nothing less. And Romney fully supports the drone program that Obama has in place
Post by John Byerley on Oct 25, 2012 0:14:17 GMT -5
There is no relevance between Romney supporting the drone program - and THIS story. I can understand not supporting a candidate, but misinformation is a disease.
Unfortunately most of those who vote for the President don't care about Benghazi, but it is a HUGE story, and a massive ATTEMPT at a cover-up. And I DO think enough people are taking notice on the left to have a pretty negative impact on the President's record.
Its a travesty from begin to end - all the cries for help, for added security went unresponded to. And after the attacks they try to spin it off as if it was simply a response to a video.
Then by doing so, they incited more riots by putting the video out there. All the while covering up the fact they knew it was coming, and did nothing to prevent it.
This story has nothing to do with the Drone program - its just the fact that a Drone watched it all go down, and we (THE UNITED STATES) did nothing, and failed to report the truth to the American people about what actually happened.
Post by John Wilson on Oct 25, 2012 8:06:03 GMT -5
The drone in this case is nothing but a flying camera. The travesty here is that this administration is so utterly inept that the those poor souls in a consulate in LIBYA on the ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11 had no security and were left to die, helpless and alone.
Libya just came through a revolution. Nobody in the State Department even knows who is in charge in that country, other than the bands of jihadists, foreign jihadi mercenaries, and ragtag revolutionaries who wander the streets killing the general public as they fight against each other.
Who'da thunk the consulate might need additional security?
The entire middle east is undergoing insurrection as every country in North Africa is being handed to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Who'da thunk the Libyan consulate might need additional security?
Egypt is fast falling under the control of Muslim Brotherhood jihadis, and what better time than to drive a few miles down the road and take over a nation (Libya) that has nobody at the wheel?
Who'da thunk the Libyan consulate might need additional security?
The two former SEALs that keep being mentioned WERE NOT there to provide security. They were on separate missions. (doing what? could it have been to gather intel on which ragtag group was in charge or who was making moves? duh...) They were the only Americans on the ground who had any chance of fighting back and they knew it.
This was a nightmare that turned into a disaster, and the President's Lies Squad turned it into an outright catastrophe. This event will bring down the President. For the sake of America, I hope he is brought down by losing the election. If he wins, it will be worse because I honestly think this will lead to impeachment. Obama has already thrown Hillary under the bus over it. Then, I imagine he got a nice phone call from Bill to remind the Amateur the "The Clintons don't play that" and he managed to finally take responsibility for something for the first time ever in his four years of blaming others.
Thank God we had drones in the area so we could find out what was going on. Too bad the damned thing didn't have Hellfire missiles on it, because then the people at the embassy who were trapped like fish in a barrel might have had some air support.
Post by kyledarby on Oct 25, 2012 14:14:12 GMT -5
The whitehouse walls are painted with lies and deceit
Post by David Owens on Oct 25, 2012 22:32:16 GMT -5
I bet we could have prevented this with an additional 5 trillion dollars worth of military :/, and while we are at it we can just go ahead and seize control of as many countries as possible who are not running them to our standards :/, are economy is normal better in times of war right? I won't pretend I understand foreign policy but I know we are spending a lot of time and energy worrying about everyone else, meanwhile our own problems at home are playing second fiddle to world rule lmao ok maybe that's a slight exaggeration.....slight. Steady decrease in law enforcement and yet we need more military, I'm not buying it.......people do bad things, not only in other countries but in our own, I'm sorry but personally I know which one I am more concerned with
Post by Ron Bath on Oct 26, 2012 5:59:50 GMT -5
David; I can understand some of your post. About military spending and involved in all different conflicts. As far as the embassy attack. This of no relevance. This administration knew shortly into it that this was an out right attack on our embassy and they did nothing, we had forces within hours and they didn't even attempt. Maybe if this so called president made a few security briefings we would of had some insight. This president wants all the credit in the world for killing bin ladin but wants no credit for this. Instead he just goes to bed then next day jumps on a plane to Vegas. Lying about this for weeks. Saying it was do to a film. Which under week circumstance arrest him. So much for freedom of speech. This current president is a complete failure and utterly a disgrace to this country. Lets hope he is doing a reality show this time next year.
Post by Glenn Brooks on Oct 26, 2012 8:54:36 GMT -5
Yep. Biggest Loser!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Post by John Wilson on Oct 26, 2012 13:55:01 GMT -5
The coverup is getting even deeper. Now, the administration is throwing the CIA under the bus. The big story running right now is "CIA denied call for support."
News flash. The CIA doesn't make that call. If anything, it confirms that a CIA agent on the ground called for help (and probably means that one or both of the former SEALs were CIA operatives) and the CIA was directed not to assist.
The Ambassador's call for help goes straight to the WH as well as the State Dept. The CIA has nothing to do with it.
What's striking is that all of the news media covering it are complicit in the coverup- or at least they aren't asking the hard questions, such as who gives a crap what the CIA did or did not do. POTUS makes the call when an embassy or consulate is attacked.
Post by Carlos Garcia on Oct 26, 2012 18:33:55 GMT -5
The seals disobeyed a direct stand down order and still went to help eventually dying the final hours of a 7 hour fight!
AMERICAN HERO'S who should be awarded our nations highest honor!
Post by John Wilson on Oct 26, 2012 22:27:57 GMT -5
^ exactly right.
This lies directly at the feet of President Obama. David Petraeus confirmed it.
"No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate." - David Petraeus, CIA Director
The agents were given the order to stand down, but it didn't come from CIA.
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Oct 29, 2012 12:52:27 GMT -5
I bet we could have prevented this with an additional 5 trillion dollars worth of military :/, and while we are at it we can just go ahead and seize control of as many countries as possible who are not running them to our standards :/, are economy is normal better in times of war right? I won't pretend I understand foreign policy but I know we are spending a lot of time and energy worrying about everyone else, meanwhile our own problems at home are playing second fiddle to world rule lmao ok maybe that's a slight exaggeration.....slight. Steady decrease in law enforcement and yet we need more military, I'm not buying it.......people do bad things, not only in other countries but in our own, I'm sorry but personally I know which one I am more concerned with David....it should be MANDATORY that, especially in these times, that every child be made to learn, like the back of their hands, WHY are constitution ( amendments), declaration of independence were written....If so, more would understand why this Country, sometimes, NEEDs to do what it does... But the teachers unions, Libs and Lib College presidents and faculity, would have a $hit fit and sue to keep it out,, There was a VERY GOOD reason why in 8 yrs of BUSH, like him or not, that there where no attacks on US SOIL ( that includes EMBASSIES and US military installations) acoss the World.. And y whats happened under this this "HAND PICKED GUY"... I'd rather see trillions spent on MIlitary, then on social programs, THAT DON'T WORK....
Post by CHRISTIAN BINNIE on Oct 29, 2012 12:56:10 GMT -5
Its an utter disgrace that the White house, CIA, and state dept, watched, for over 7 hrs Americans die and do nothing all cause of an election coming.
AND whats worse is this so called MEDIA, that WON'T report it, becuase they r in this BUMS pocket...
GOD, can you imagine if this were a Republican President right now? He, or the Head (s) of the CIA, and state dept wopuldve already been forced to resign.
Post by kyledarby on Oct 30, 2012 1:45:17 GMT -5
Spot on Mr. Binnie. It's cowardly to stand by and warch Americans get killed no matter what suit you wear.
Post by John Wilson on Oct 30, 2012 6:57:01 GMT -5
It looks even more sinister now. Has anyone seen the report that (AFRICOM) General Ham was relieved of duty immediately when he attempted to send in support in defiance of the order to stand down? The fleet Admiral in the area was also relieved of command last week and the story was that he was the target of some "ongoing investigation"? He reportedly also attempted to ignore the order to stand down.
There's only one man who relieves regional commanders of duty. That is the commander in chief.