Post by Michael Wells on Jun 7, 2013 9:29:23 GMT -5
Post by John Wilson on Jun 7, 2013 13:07:22 GMT -5
Very good video, and a very plausible argument that the Fed is the root of all evil.
However, the one thing nobody ever seems to be able to do is to outline exactly how the populace is supposed to oppose the Fed specifically. One can make assumptions, but that assumes a complete withdrawal from paying taxes or participating in the economy. Aside from volunteering to go to prison, which will have no actual effect- the alternative is an immediate escalation to Stage 3, and since nobody can identify who or what the Fed actually is, that is a war against a ghost regime in which nobody can identify or confront the actual persons within that entity or its infrastructure.
Oddly enough, 9/11 was probably the most direct assault on the economic infrastructure the Fed relies on. What 9/11 shows us is that the economic system is far from concentrated. Taking out a couple of key buildings where all trading happens was strategically brilliant from a military viewpoint, but those buildings were in actuality full of dumb terminals (computers linked to an exterior network), and the long term effect was that the attack was like bashing a couple of mailboxes because you want to bring down the Postal System. The GWOT (Global War On Terror) which came as a result was just as ineffective because there is no front to coordinate attacks against. Consolidating troops in Iraq to bring the terrorists to one place to fight sounded good on paper, but to what end? There is no terror infrastructure that once obliterated will be gone for good.
I don't mean to sound like a defeatist or a nihilist, because I'm not. But the Bible fortells Armageddon and it will come to pass in some form, just as every other biblical prophecy has come to pass. Something has to draw the world into the final battle and I believe we are seeing it.
Like the prophecy of the Messiah, things rarely appear the way we envision them in our minds. The Jews missed the coming of Jesus because they were looking for a warrior king in the image of David who would deliver all believers. Jesus did exactly that, but it did not look or feel anything like what they expected and they missed it.
Likewise, many of us have notions of an Antichrist (or several), a Tribulation, a Rapture, and End of Days which will usher in the new Kingdom. But I say that it likely won't fit the imagery that has been conjured up by our pastors and we are fools to ignore what we are seeing because it doesn't fit the Hollywood image of our preconceived notions.
Will Christ take us all before things get really bad? I don't know, and I don't plan to watch my family starve or to be herded into rail cars while we wait for the true nature of the fulfillment of prophecy to be revealed.
Post by Robert Bishop on Jun 8, 2013 20:40:15 GMT -5
i have seen a list of those who own the fed and it is 8 groups
lehman bros Rockefeller bros lords of london/rothschilds goldman sachs and 4 others i cant remember now
i still cant figure out how they could bail themselves out when they have all the money. Sounded more like a money making scheme to make themselves richer and charge it to the tax payers.
The things about these people is that they are involved in everything that happens through
the bilderberg CFR and other groups
control of the mainstream media/owned
you can call it conspiracy theory if you want to but the truth is that everything traces back to this same group of people who own the fed
Post by Robert Bishop on Jun 8, 2013 20:53:54 GMT -5
how can you prepare for the death of the dollar?
DHS has listed people who buy things like gold as poss terrorist threats and those who save food conspiracy theorist right wing extremists/con Christians stocking up on ammunition/weapons and other groups of people
whenever martial law is declared they will go door to door and take everything above that you have
Post by Robert Bishop on Jun 8, 2013 21:06:32 GMT -5
they want one world government
and they will not stop until
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is dead the economy/dollar is dead the country is disarmed and we are servants/mindless zombies of them who will not question them
most people dont realize the satanic/Illuminati side of this
Post by Robert Bishop on Jun 8, 2013 21:12:33 GMT -5
after the dollar death that same group of people will be responsible for bringing in a one world currency. That will be a step towards the mark of the beast
i disagree with the vid on the fact that he thinks they are tryng to save the dollar. I believe that they themselves will destroy the dollar because they have the gold and that is all that matters. They will say that the fed is broke and has no gold but it will be misleading
interesting vids on the fed
Post by John Wilson on Jun 10, 2013 7:41:22 GMT -5
I'm not sure they care which currency is in use.
That said, so long as the USD is the standard of trade, it makes perfect sense to prop it up as the video suggests.
Just like our own current government, it is more of a conglomeration of competing agendas. I have to believe the FED has competition from those who are not part of the FED. I think the New World Order types outside of western control structures would like to be the worldwide version of the FED and may not be too unhappy to see the FED fold up.
Post by John Wilson on Jun 10, 2013 7:48:56 GMT -5
Then you have the oddballs, like our current President. He's a Cold War throwback, carrying out his Soviet agenda 20 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. It's an ironic twist that Communism has survived in America as Liberalism- long after the real Communists found the system unuseful.
I have no doubt that Franklin Roosevelt was speaking truth when he said, "Presidents are not elected, they are selected." That was damned near a century ago, and it's no surprise that he said it. Between he and Woodrow Wilson, they gave away our country to the world bankers. Every President since then has played the game, and it could be as simple as this: the game is bigger than the President.
Post by Mat Helmer on Jun 10, 2013 22:49:44 GMT -5
Post by Mat Helmer on Jun 10, 2013 23:02:45 GMT -5
Wow, I didn't even watch the video before I made that post. Kinda spooky.
Post by Michael Wells on Jun 11, 2013 5:34:01 GMT -5
^crazy coincidence
Post by Dayne Roark on Dec 10, 2015 15:14:08 GMT -5
Its certainly going to happen eventually!