Post by enginterzi on Feb 13, 2011 6:56:27 GMT -5
1- Mubarak was a dictator
2- for 30 years the dictator Mubarak had been receiving the 2. biggest US help (billions of dollars)
3- Egyptian public hated Mubarak who had been receiving the 2. biggest US help (billions of dollars) 4- Israeli and US authorities considered this situation as they lost Egypt and US could not save its "friends" from their publics (Tunusia and Egypt)
after these facts let us not say such words "Mubarak was not a friend of US" etc because that is a mocking to the intelligence of people.that dictator who is called "THE MODERN DAY PHARAOH" was a puppet of US and Israel.
now the power is with Army and US is happy about it.US has been more active than what some of you think.some of those billions of dollars help was given to the generals and now time will show us what they will do.then we will realise if Public or US will have the control in Egypt.i hope Egyptians to have control as they have been one of the oldest civilization in the history even though they have been passivised by the western powers through the modern day PHARAOH.but they would not have sacrificed their lives to kick this dictator away if their spirit was dead.their spirit is alive and i pray them to re-gain their independance.
those countries have been under the control of sick dictators and the experience of some of the westerners in those countries does not show the true of those people.
think of Saudi Arabia,its owned by a family,Saddam,Mubarak and others.people who live in these countries are not free.and their leaders have been puppets of US as long as they obey.
Post by Ryan Thames on Feb 13, 2011 7:03:01 GMT -5
This is why Ron Paul should have been elected! I agree
Post by enginterzi on Feb 13, 2011 7:06:56 GMT -5
This is why Ron Paul should have been elected! I agree i read about him some,as far as the things i have read i also agree even though i am not a US citizen.if this guy was supported by certain lobbies then he would have been elected but why would the war lobbies support such guy?
Post by kyledarby on Feb 13, 2011 23:04:58 GMT -5
The sad reality is voters get largely influenced by the American education sytem. Poor vote for Liberals because their socialist propaganda of savior programs. Young adults are swayed by the garbage propaganda shoved down their throats while purchasing a paper status symbol. Unions take peoples money for "job security" and provide you with camp fire propaganda. America needs to elect non Republican and Democrat if we have any chance at positive change. We the majority can elect who we choose. We choose over and over the same stupid choices. Defenition of insanity.
Post by Michael Wells on Feb 14, 2011 7:07:44 GMT -5
This is why Ron Paul should have been elected! Only reason I DIDN'T vote for him is because I was forced to chose the lesser of the two evils. He had no chance
Post by Bill Maenza on Feb 14, 2011 7:23:15 GMT -5
Unfortunately, I think that thought process is exactly what keeps us stuck with the puppets and losers that we have in office. This is why Ron Paul should have been elected! Only reason I DIDN'T vote for him is because I was forced to chose the lesser of the two evils. He had no chance
Post by John Wilson on Feb 14, 2011 9:21:38 GMT -5
Unfortunately, I think that thought process is exactly what keeps us stuck with the puppets and losers that we have in office. Only reason I DIDN'T vote for him is because I was forced to chose the lesser of the two evils. He had no chance Bill, you're right. But sadly it's not just a thought process. So long as we are caught up in a two party system it is a stark reality. Without a nationwide push on every single television channel, the majority of people will never hear about the third party candidate. For instance, Obama was elected 100% by the media push. Ron Paul had a tiny faction that pushed him, but the guy couldn't even get on the televised debates for the most part. What's really interesting, for anyone with lots of time on their hands, is to go back and read what Ross Perot was saying in 1992 and 1996. What we are seeing today was called play-for-play by that man at that time. Did he have some kind of mystical crystal ball, or was the direction of the country, and the world, just that damned obvious to someone who was paying attention? Not only did everything he say come true, but it happened just about exactly the way he said it would. Ron Paul is a great man, but what did him in was not himself, but that, unfortunatley, his message got picked up by kooks on the fringe. You will never get elected when the public only hears about your message from people who scare them.
Post by dixonglory on Feb 14, 2011 13:49:09 GMT -5
1- Mubarak was a dictator think of Saudi Arabia,its owned by a family,Saddam,Mubarak and others.people who live in these countries are not free.and their leaders have been puppets of US as long as they obey. but i sometimes think like this : if Usa was not there to controll things in saudi arabia or whole gcc , it would have been very bad for the rest of the world and foreign people working in gcc[ may be millions of people]. i even doubt the Makka and Madina would have been in hands of some other fellows ,and pilgrimage would have been a different scenario. democracy coming in Gcc will not be for the good of any one . remember i am a citizen of a big democratic country India.
Post by John Wilson on Feb 14, 2011 13:52:22 GMT -5
Dixon, what are you hearing locally? Newspapers today are speaking of a push from citizens inside Saudi to gain some degree of input into government. Is this being discussed openly where you are?
Post by enginterzi on Feb 14, 2011 13:54:59 GMT -5
that is your opinion Dixon.what mak€s it bad ar€ th€ dictators ov€r th€r€.thos€ p€opl€ hav€ liv€d in p€ac€ for c€nturi€s und€r Ottoman €mpir€.your opinions of "if USA was not h€r€" is a disr€sp€ct for millions of p€opl€ (lik€ its th€ir guilt to b€ rul€d by dictators).th€y ar€ as human as yours€lf,if you ar€ thinking diff€r€ntly th€n you should not hav€ b€€n th€r€ amongst thos€ p€opl€.
ungrat€fuln€ss is a v€ry bad sign of som€on€'s charact€r.th€ bigg€st probl€m of th€ p€opl€ who sp€nds th€r€ som€tim€ and act lik€ th€y ar€ th€ €xp€rts of th€ mid€ast,is that th€y judg€ only with what th€y s€€ without consid€ring th€ historical facts and how th€ things cam€ to this point.
Post by John Wilson on Feb 14, 2011 15:11:15 GMT -5
Reports of uprising in Tehran, Iran today.
Post by John Wilson on Feb 14, 2011 22:23:18 GMT -5
Now is a good time for the US to do the right thing. There is plenty of well-placed anger at the US for propping up dictators. Unfortunately, doing what is in our best interest often has dire consequences for the poor people who end up suffering because of it.
I believe Ronald Reagan had exactly the right approach. Let the peoples of those countries earn their own freedom in their own way, but give them the support they need. Poland should be the example of what can be done by a very determined, patriotic group of people who have a plan for their own destiny.
Who will be the Lech Walesa of Egypt or Iran?
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 2:29:01 GMT -5
that is your opinion Dixon.what mak€s it bad ar€ th€ dictators ov€r th€r€.thos€ p€opl€ hav€ liv€d in p€ac€ for c€nturi€s und€r Ottoman €mpir€.your opinions of "if USA was not h€r€" is a disr€sp€ct for millions of p€opl€ (lik€ its th€ir guilt to b€ rul€d by dictators).th€y ar€ as human as yours€lf,if you ar€ thinking diff€r€ntly th€n you should not hav€ b€€n th€r€ amongst thos€ p€opl€. ungrat€fuln€ss is a v€ry bad sign of som€on€'s charact€r.th€ bigg€st probl€m of th€ p€opl€ who sp€nds th€r€ som€tim€ and act lik€ th€y ar€ th€ €xp€rts of th€ mid€ast,is that th€y judg€ only with what th€y s€€ without consid€ring th€ historical facts and how th€ things cam€ to this point. in india we use phrases like 1.''crocodile tears'' 2. ''closing eyes and making darkness'' i doubt whether there exist any real phenomenon called 'love towards a muslim by another muslim' ...all are exhibiting that they are loving and caring other muslims... muslims from pakistan says we support the sufferings of indian muslims ... muslims from india says we love iraq muslims... when i was in india ,i know muslims fighting each other in muslim populated areas. Only in places where muslims are minority and weak they stay together...And that is just a routine action of any minority/weak to exploit the strength of unity... Before i came to saudi ,i had a thinking that saudi is not a good place for nonmuslims... and muslims will take advantage in every area in saudi. but after coming here i am seeing ...only one thing ..soudi citizens are on top of everyone else... all foreigners are second grade...no body care whether you are a muslim or not at the work place . you dont get your salary earlier if you are a muslim .. you dont get more salary if you are a muslim. and you dont get less punishment if you are a muslim compared to nonmuslims... people buy from any shop,restaurant ..go in anybody's taxi ...give money to beggers without asking religion.... they exploits male and female house hold workers without the discrimination of muslim or not... In short in the gcc s you wont get any advantage if you say i am a muslim.. Citizens of gcc are 99.9% are far satisfied and happy with their rulers than any other democratic country in the world.. if one dont have any money kept at home he dont require a safe locker or he will laugh at people spending money for security guards.. but the same person gets some 100kg gold some how and every one around is aware of it he defenitely require a security with machine gun.. other wise he will be killed in this era or any part of the historian era. and there is no difference if he is a christian jew or a muslim in that fate. same thing about gcc... people knew that there is treasure in the area .... if no security life of the natives will be miserable....any believer[foreigner of any religion] can harm the gcc men and enjoy fortune...people with wicked ideas at these treasure are showing crocodile tears...and they ask for unity of muslims....but the real muslims of gcc are not listening to them... they are not idiots... from ancient years what men did ? they attack areas where treasures are kept... there was no mercy in killing the weak owners of wealth... that is same phenomenon ...stronger ones survives ..they write histories ..and people make the winners heroes and losers will be villains by default. 99% of saudi citizens are satisfied about their life .but there are poor people and as i understood they are immigrants from african countries 50-60years ago.. and not genuine citizens ...and as per their general policy they dont encourage new people to get saudi citizenships..you know a saudi citizen enjoys a lot of facilities ...
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 3:07:19 GMT -5
God created men and women and earth. not countries or religions... men created religions and countries for their conviniences and comforts in life...
so living and viewing every events of life in a religious or nationality prespective is never a God's way or God's idea. that is mere human crime/sin ...
this world is God's wonderful gift...maintain it a comfortable place for the present and future.... 'world is a single family' ....[ Gandhiji's philosophy and my favourite too]
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 4:21:56 GMT -5
be always happy ...try to make the best life from what elements God has given you...
make efforts to bring up your children in best life values...
where ever possible ,help others..
never harm anyone purposefully in your races to victories....
God gave this earth for all of us... try to make it the heaven you are searching for...