Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 4:34:12 GMT -5
Dixon, what are you hearing locally? Newspapers today are speaking of a push from citizens inside Saudi to gain some degree of input into government. Is this being discussed openly where you are? John ,saudi citizens are enjoying a lot of previliges in this rule....they are satisfied ...have only problem of not able to get alcohol in public shops....i dont think a democracy will provide them a better life... imo the king here does good things.. many rulers coming and going in a democracy may not do any better...may harm them ... you know a saudi citizen in a street or a shopping mall gets respect like a priest in our place kerala[india].why should he throw away that situation? 1% people called 'siyas ' have protest against the king...even if democracy comes they will not get any power... they are not revolutionarists but misfits imo[in the saudi scenario].
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 5:21:50 GMT -5
wh€n you wrot€ that p€opl€ killing €achoth€r lik€ animals you just r€mind€d m€ about WW2 in Christian €urop€ and th€ "LOV€LY" r€l€tionships b€tw€€n Catholics and Prot€stants. you also r€mind€d m€ som€ v€rs€s from Bibl€;
"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5 RSV)
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 5:35:26 GMT -5
God created men and women and earth. not countries or religions... men created religions and countries for their conviniences and comforts in life... so you ar€ not a Christian anymor€?
Post by John Wilson on Feb 15, 2011 9:20:29 GMT -5
Some very good answers. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 11:09:18 GMT -5
what i h€ard from my Saudi fri€nds is diff€r€nt than what you wrot€ h€r€.it is wrong to writ€ h€r€ on€ sid€d n€gativ€ €xp€ri€nc€s sam€ as if i would writ€ h€r€ th€ way that you at€ your food wh€n you visit€d us.it was th€ most €mbrassing thing i hav€ €v€r €xp€ri€nc€d in my €ntir€ lif€.i do not m€an to off€nd you but wh€n you m€ntion muslims lik€ animals th€n th€ first thing cam€ to my mind was th€ way that you at€ your food.not to m€ntion that th€ sm€ll & dirty str€€ts of your country India that mad€ my t€am mat€s ill wh€n th€y w€nt to India for 97 WAF.
i can writ€ h€r€ my n€gativ€ €xp€ri€nc€s in th€ countri€s that i hav€ visit€d but my int€ntion was only to r€mind you;
"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5 RSV)
i do not m€an to disr€sp€ct you,i just try to t€ll you that you sound lik€ a gossip girl.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 11:17:13 GMT -5
btw Muslims w€r€ unit€d in Ottoman €mpir€.just ch€ck about th€ Lawr€nc€ of Arabia if yu ar€ wond€ring how t€ things cam€ to this point.what happ€ns today was th€ plans of th€ past.whos€ plan? r€ad about th€ Lawr€nc€ of Arabia,you will finally hav€ som€ history l€sson which will h€lp you und€rstand today.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 11:26:36 GMT -5
today sam€ Arabs who fought against Ottoman by th€ h€lps of w€st,ar€ putting th€ir hop€s in us.it was a good l€sson for th€m to b€ occupi€d today by th€ sam€ p€opl€ who h€lp€d th€m to fight against th€ir broth€rs.€v€rytim€ i s€€ an Arab th€y carry th€ guilt of th€ir fath€rs in th€ir €y€s.th€y stabb€d us from b€hind but now ar€ occupi€d by th€ p€opl€ who gav€ th€m th€ knif€.but w€ did not turn th€ gr€€n signal to occupi€rs to us€ our land.so our h€ad is up but th€irs is down.
in truth w€ Turks in g€n€ral do not trust Arabs.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 11:39:36 GMT -5
Fath€r of th€ mod€rn Zionism Th€odor H€rzl off€r€d our Sultan that J€ws would pay all th€ d€bt of th€ €mpir€ if Sultan gav€ Pal€stin€ to Zionists.
i will try to translat€ th€ answ€r of th€ Sultan;
"i will not s€ll €v€n 1 squar€ m€t€r of hom€land,for this hom€land do€s not b€long to m€ but my p€opl€.and our p€opl€ would giv€ this land to th€ pric€ that th€y paid for.this land was tak€n by th€ir blood and can b€ tak€n in th€ sam€ way."
w€ w€r€ that faithful to th€ Arabs but th€y stabb€d us from our b€hind.now th€y ar€ paying for th€ir sins.
Post by John Wilson on Feb 15, 2011 11:50:31 GMT -5
What is going on with your "E" key? I assume you switch between Turkish and English (I do not know) and your keyboard converter is having issues.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 11:56:45 GMT -5
th€r€ is som€thing wrong but it has nothing to do with Turkish-€nglish thing sinc€ w€ do nt hav€ such l€tt€r in our alphab€t.th€ button that should switch this off is not working.i m€ntion€d this y€st€rday in on€ of my on topic posts and add€d that i would not mind if th€ admin would d€l€t€ my posts b€caus€ of this probl€m.
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 12:19:02 GMT -5
Engin , i assume that you lost in the argument. you are attacking my eating style shame on you... are you talking about eating with hands ? or what ? please clarify...
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 12:25:11 GMT -5
Engin , i assume that you lost in the argument. you are attacking my eating style shame on you... are you talking about eating with hands ? or what ? please clarify... sham€ on you that calling Muslims "animals"! i hav€ b€€n sick of your foolishn€ss in armwr€stling r€lat€d subj€cts but i tri€d to tol€rat€ you.but calling p€opl€ animals is way b€yond foolishn€ss. i would not involv€ how you mix€d and at€ th€ catch-up,ric€ and €v€ry thing with your hands at th€ middl€ of th€ r€staurant if you did not com€ h€r€ and call p€opl€ "lik€ animals" just b€caus€ th€y fight €achoth€r,lik€ Christian nations n€v€r fought against €achoth€r throughout th€ history.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 12:32:58 GMT -5
btw no on€ lost in argum€nts,why would i €v€n car€ about your untruthful gossips about p€opl€ who f€€d you ov€r th€r€.w€ hav€ saying ov€r h€r€, "do not p€€ in th€ cup that you €at from" and that is €xactly about what you do.
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 12:45:54 GMT -5
Engin , i assume that you lost in the argument. you are attacking my eating style shame on you... are you talking about eating with hands ? or what ? please clarify... sham€ on you that calling Muslims "animals"! i hav€ b€€n sick of your foolishn€ss in armwr€stling r€lat€d subj€cts but i tri€d to tol€rat€ you.but calling p€opl€ animals is way b€yond foolishn€ss. i would not involv€ how you mix€d and at€ th€ catch-up,ric€ and €v€ry thing with your hands at th€ middl€ of th€ r€staurant if you did not com€ h€r€ and call p€opl€ "lik€ animals" just b€caus€ th€y fight €achoth€r,lik€ Christian nations n€v€r fought against €achoth€r throughout th€ history. ha ,ha ,ha we eat with hands ,mix food with hands and drink with hands...that is our culture...and some one wants to call it cultureless way of eating we will laugh...and say go ahead... if you dont like the word animal i will just remove it.. but have you not ever seen two muslims fight in street?
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 12:57:01 GMT -5
and Engin ,it is not at all acceptable even in the level of school children level , to start mobilising people in the name of religion for unrelated events ,quarels ,victories or such matters. you are a super genius i know . but may be purposefully you are doing it for some reason . but mind you that is not a healthy way of life ... be a good example to others...