Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 13:03:52 GMT -5
Engin ,, discuss politics as politics...when discuss religion you may discuss that... you reminds others that the only worth thing in the world is religion...
life is not a simple time to waste on such issues...
i am telling this because when you were telling jews are considering jesus as bastard and why usa is not attacking isreal? how low you become with such stupid arguements? religion is only for religion .. politics is different...you know if you search people trying to go to canada or usa , applications are mainly from muslims from pakistan and other countries...why ? they are brilliant..they know life is different ...
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 13:11:36 GMT -5
and all these [these posts ]are not to please christians or usa members . and it has no connection with my visa application for canada migration.
i am talking facts after thinking for many months or years. it is not possible to ignore usa's efforts to improve the other countrys .. it has to be appreciated...
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:15:50 GMT -5
y€s i hav€ s€€n p€opl€ fighting but it do€s not giv€ you right to call th€m "lik€ animals".i can show you such €xampl€s from all ov€r th€ world but your int€ntion was to humiliat€ muslims. i hav€ s€€n Am€ricans fighting on th€ str€€t as w€ll,in Chicago p€opl€ could not g€t out of th€ir hom€s aft€r th€ dark (th€ part that i hav€ liv€d).i work€d in a stor€ that custom€rs w€r€ allow€d to €nt€r on€ by on€ (on€ could €nt€r aft€r th€ first on€ is don€).th€r€ w€r€ iron bars outsid€ of th€ stor€ and mirrors and cam€ras in stor€.murd€ring p€rc€ntag€ was unb€li€vabl€ as w€ll.i €v€n got punch€d on th€ str€€t b€caus€ th€y thought i was an Arab.but do i call anyon€ "animal" b€caus€ of my €xp€ri€nc€s? of cours€ no,€v€ry wh€r€ has positiv€ and n€gati€ sid€s as on€ visitor may hav€ both positiv€ and n€gativ€ €xp€ri€nc€s if th€y visit us. i also liv€d in a old KKK town wh€r€ th€ blacks w€r€ not w€lcomm€d at all.i was told that till som€ y€ars ago th€y €v€n had a sign at th€ €ntranc€ of th€ town that says "blacks and dogs can not €nt€r". i s€€ this m€ntality in your words. €v€rywh€r€ in th€ world you will find n€gativ€ and positiv€ things.it is your cultur€ to €at catch up,ric€ and all kind of things dir€ctly with your hands but it is disgusting ov€r h€r€.again i would n€v€r m€ntion such thing if you did not n€€d to look at th€ mirror. as you said,th€ world has diff€r€nt cultur€s. this "brid€ burning" still continu€ your gr€at d€mocratic country India?; www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article5832650.ece articles.cnn.com/1996-08-18/world/9608_18_bride.burn_1_dowry-hindu-attitudes?_s=PM:WORLD if you want r€sp€ct your s€lf th€n also r€sp€ct oth€rs.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:18:10 GMT -5
i am telling this because when you were telling jews are considering jesus as bastard and why usa is not attacking isreal? ... i n€v€r ask€d why USA do€s not attac Isra€l,you ar€ also a liar Dixon.prov€ wh€r€ i ask€d such thing oth€rwis€ i will call you a sland€r€r from now on. if you hav€ honour th€n pl€as€ prov€ wh€r€ i wrot€ that i want US to attack Isra€l.
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 13:23:32 GMT -5
i am telling this because when you were telling jews are considering jesus as bastard and why usa is not attacking isreal? ... i n€v€r ask€d why USA do€s not attac Isra€l,you ar€ also a liar Dixon.prov€ wh€r€ i ask€d such thing oth€rwis€ i will call you a sland€r€r from now on. if you hav€ honour th€n pl€as€ prov€ wh€r€ i wrot€ that i want US to attack Isra€l. or you have written ,that why still usa is supporting isreal...what does that mean ?
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:25:38 GMT -5
btw i am not your fri€nd,you can not b€ my fri€nd.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:27:31 GMT -5
i n€v€r ask€d why USA do€s not attac Isra€l,you ar€ also a liar Dixon.prov€ wh€r€ i ask€d such thing oth€rwis€ i will call you a sland€r€r from now on. if you hav€ honour th€n pl€as€ prov€ wh€r€ i wrot€ that i want US to attack Isra€l. or you have written ,that why still usa is supporting isreal...what does that mean ? glad to s€€ that you corr€ct€d your li€.if you do not support som€thing do€s it m€an that you n€€d to attack? is that your int€llig€nc€? no! you ar€ smart €nough to und€rstand that much sinc€ it r€quir€s only an av€rag€ int€llig€nc€ to g€t this.your probl€m is with hon€sty.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:30:00 GMT -5
btw,you did not answ€r about burning wom€n aliv€ in your cultur€.
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 13:32:42 GMT -5
or you have written ,that why still usa is supporting isreal...what does that mean ? glad to s€€ that you corr€ct€d your li€.if you do not support som€thing do€s it m€an that you n€€d to attack? is that your int€llig€nc€? no! you ar€ smart €nough to und€rstand that much sinc€ it r€quir€s only an av€rag€ int€llig€nc€ to g€t this.your probl€m is with hon€sty. supporting or protecting will definitely co-relate with attack ...
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 13:36:54 GMT -5
btw,you did not answ€r about burning wom€n aliv€ in your cultur€. i say some fact doesnt mean that i am or my parents or grand parents are perfect. no one is perfect except God... but being imperfect doesnt mean i am not supposed to talk or put forward my views.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:40:24 GMT -5
btw i am not your fri€nd,you can not b€ my fri€nd. why ? because i am a christian ? or because i talk truth? or because i am reaffirming that muslims crying for muslims are poring crocodile tears ? that is the truth dear. truth is bitter .. bitter many times ...but like me please ... no b€caus€ you ar€ a dishon€st p€rson with w€ak p€rsonality.€v€n asking such qu€stion shows what an ass kiss€r you ar€. d€ar idiot,on€ of my b€st fri€nds Immanu€l Ozyur€k is a Christian and w€ shar€ th€ sam€ room wh€n w€ comp€t€ int€rnational €v€nts with Turkish t€am.w€ train tog€th€r all th€ tim€. your ch€ap propagandas is just too low look at €ngint€rzi.n€t and s€€ th€ m€mb€rs list that i shar€d a lot. from Romania,Bulgaria,G€rmany and som€ oth€r countri€s my fri€nds com€ and visit m€ whil€ staying in my hom€.th€y ar€ my fri€nds b€caus€ th€y ar€ good p€opl€.not an ass kiss€r as yours€lf.you would kiss €v€ry singl€ ass in N.Am€rica to b€ acc€pt€d as an immigrant. th€ truth is that you ar€ a w€ak p€rson in spirit.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:42:19 GMT -5
btw,you did not answ€r about burning wom€n aliv€ in your cultur€. i say some fact doesnt mean that i am or my parents or grand parents are perfect. no one is perfect except God... but being imperfect doesnt mean i am not supposed to talk or put forward my views. not p€rf€ct? what p€rf€ct? far from b€ing p€rf€ct but €vil you guys burn wom€n aliv€ in your country,what p€rf€ct ar€ you talking about? that is why i post€d th€ v€rs€ from Gosp€l,it was to show you your hypocricy.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 15, 2011 13:47:25 GMT -5
supporting or protecting will definitely co-relate with attack ... . i wrot€ many tim€s that i do not wish US to support Isra€l wh€n Isra€l do€s som€thing wrong.not €v€n onc€ i m€ant US to attack Isra€l.it is just a fabrication of you.
Post by dixonglory on Feb 15, 2011 13:50:01 GMT -5
why ? because i am a christian ? or because i talk truth? or because i am reaffirming that muslims crying for muslims are poring crocodile tears ? that is the truth dear. truth is bitter .. bitter many times .. ... no b€caus€ you ar€ a dishon€st p€rson with w€ak p€rsonality.€v€n asking such qu€stion shows what an ass kiss€r you ar€. d€ar idiot,on€ of my b€st fri€nds Immanu€l Ozyur€k is a Christian and w€ shar€ th€ sam€ room wh€n w€ comp€t€ int€rnational €v€nts with Turkish t€am.w€ train tog€th€r all th€ tim€. your ch€ap propagandas is just too low look at €ngint€rzi.n€t and s€€ th€ m€mb€rs list that i shar€d a lot. from Romania,Bulgaria,G€rmany and som€ oth€r countri€s my fri€nds com€ and visit m€ whil€ staying in my hom€.th€y ar€ my fri€nds b€caus€ th€y ar€ good p€opl€.not an ass kiss€r as yours€lf.you would kiss €v€ry singl€ ass in N.Am€rica to b€ acc€pt€d as an immigrant. th€ truth is that you ar€ a w€ak p€rson in spirit. as far as visa is concerned i am not in a weak spot to get some one's help.. . i value good people's friendship.
Post by Giles Russell on Feb 15, 2011 18:54:06 GMT -5
Trenton's right. I've been saying for a while now that WWIII is coming soon. Either Iran will use a nuke on Israel or Israel is gonna bust that a$$ before they can and the were all in and it's ON!!! That's when China jumps in against us while were vulnerable just like Japan did in WWII. There might be a bunch of softies and weak people in charge of our gov't right now, but don't get it twisted...we'll answer the call again as we've always done throughout history!!!! Make no mistake about it, even with all of our problems we are still the greatest nation on EARTH and the last stand for freedom in the World. So, we will continue to fight for it and defend it anywhere that we have to to protect our people or our interest.
Listen folks....Mr. Terzi is/was a bad mofo on the armwrestling table and I respect him for that, BUT that's where it ends. It's painfully obvious to me that he has a deep seeded hatred towards Christians and Jews. I'm sure it's due in part from being brainwashed by the Turkish "Minster of Propaganda" and/or by the friendly imam's at his local mosque, but either way he just can't hide his hate for Israel and America. He may appear to be cordial to many of us (as were the 9/11 coward high jackers) on this board and to our face, but I can tell you that I will never turn my back on him or any other foreign Muslim that make my "weird-dar" go off. I'm sure he was probably smiling inside on 9/11/01 if not celebrating in the streets with all the other clowns in the middle east. Like Aaron Blevins said, you just can't fix crazy so, you Muslims just keep on blowing the $hit out of yourselves in pizza parlors and town squares all in the name of Allah (wtf?) and we'll keep on chasing the American dream......making great music, cars, working, surfing, farming, armwrestling, hunting and fishing and kicking the $hit out of anyone who phucks with us.
BUT as a great British rock band once said, WE WON"T GET FOOLED AGAIN!!!
Oh and even after reading the hundreds of pages of religous quotes from Engin....I've come to the conclusion that:
End of.