Post by Dan Benoit on Feb 15, 2011 21:33:03 GMT -5
Post by Tommy Russell on Feb 15, 2011 21:41:33 GMT -5
Trenton's right. I've been saying for a while now that WWIII is coming soon. Either Iran will use a nuke on Israel or Israel is gonna bust that a$$ before they can and the were all in and it's ON!!! That's when China jumps in against us while were vulnerable just like Japan did in WWII. There might be a bunch of softies and weak people in charge of our gov't right now, but don't get it twisted...we'll answer the call again as we've always done throughout history!!!! Make no mistake about it, even with all of our problems we are still the greatest nation on EARTH and the last stand for freedom in the World. So, we will continue to fight for it and defend it anywhere that we have to to protect our people or our interest. Listen folks....Mr. Terzi is/was a bad mofo on the armwrestling table and I respect him for that, BUT that's where it ends. It's painfully obvious to me that he has a deep seeded hatred towards Christians and Jews. I'm sure it's due in part from being brainwashed by the Turkish "Minster of Propaganda" and/or by the friendly imam's at his local mosque, but either way he just can't hide his hate for Israel and America. He may appear to be cordial to many of us (as were the 9/11 coward high jackers) on this board and to our face, but I can tell you that I will never turn my back on him or any other foreign Muslim that make my "weird-dar" go off. I'm sure he was probably smiling inside on 9/11/01 if not celebrating in the streets with all the other clowns in the middle east. Like Aaron Blevins said, you just can't fix crazy so, you Muslims just keep on blowing the $hit out of yourselves in pizza parlors and town squares all in the name of Allah (wtf?) and we'll keep on chasing the American dream......making great music, cars, working, surfing, farming, armwrestling, hunting and fishing and kicking the $hit out of anyone who phucks with us. BUT as a great British rock band once said, WE WON"T GET FOOLED AGAIN!!! Oh and even after reading the hundreds of pages of religous quotes from Engin....I've come to the conclusion that: JESUS > ALLAH End of.
Post by Aaron Blevins on Feb 15, 2011 21:43:15 GMT -5
Benoit.....if you ever do any armwrestling, you're gonna be alright.
Post by Aaron Blevins on Feb 15, 2011 21:45:30 GMT -5
Trenton's right. I've been saying for a while now that WWIII is coming soon. Either Iran will use a nuke on Israel or Israel is gonna bust that a$$ before they can and the were all in and it's ON!!! That's when China jumps in against us while were vulnerable just like Japan did in WWII. There might be a bunch of softies and weak people in charge of our gov't right now, but don't get it twisted...we'll answer the call again as we've always done throughout history!!!! Make no mistake about it, even with all of our problems we are still the greatest nation on EARTH and the last stand for freedom in the World. So, we will continue to fight for it and defend it anywhere that we have to to protect our people or our interest. Listen folks....Mr. Terzi is/was a bad mofo on the armwrestling table and I respect him for that, BUT that's where it ends. It's painfully obvious to me that he has a deep seeded hatred towards Christians and Jews. I'm sure it's due in part from being brainwashed by the Turkish "Minster of Propaganda" and/or by the friendly imam's at his local mosque, but either way he just can't hide his hate for Israel and America. He may appear to be cordial to many of us (as were the 9/11 coward high jackers) on this board and to our face, but I can tell you that I will never turn my back on him or any other foreign Muslim that make my "weird-dar" go off. I'm sure he was probably smiling inside on 9/11/01 if not celebrating in the streets with all the other clowns in the middle east. Like Aaron Blevins said, you just can't fix crazy so, you Muslims just keep on blowing the $hit out of yourselves in pizza parlors and town squares all in the name of Allah (wtf?) and we'll keep on chasing the American dream......making great music, cars, working, surfing, farming, armwrestling, hunting and fishing and kicking the $hit out of anyone who phucks with us. BUT as a great British rock band once said, WE WON"T GET FOOLED AGAIN!!! Oh and even after reading the hundreds of pages of religous quotes from Engin....I've come to the conclusion that: JESUS > ALLAH End of. THAS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUT IT ON REPEAT and LET THAT M-FER PLAY!!!!
Post by John Wilson on Feb 15, 2011 21:48:47 GMT -5
Let me say this perfectly clear:
Engin, Omar Bennurken, and Durson Ondar called me from Turkey on 9/11 as it was happening to express their disgust over what was happening and to stand beside me as a friend when my nation was being attacked. They were watching the news in disbelief just like we all were.
Engin and I disagree often. But that is the nature of politics. It is also the nature of perspective. We can see the same thing and come away with two different viewpoints based on our view of the world and our own experiences.
Engin's honor is something I will stand up for with no question. He is brutally honest, and we all know he has a quick temper. They don't call him Angry Turk for nothing. If he is offensive at times it is because he is more concerned with being honest than being kind. Sometimes he says things that are unfortunate because he is angry. I am not here to defend Engin's personality. But I will defend his honesty and integrity 100%.
Post by Giles Russell on Feb 15, 2011 21:50:09 GMT -5
Call me a hater, bigot or whatever. I don't care. I live back in the woods you see...my woman and the kids and the dogs and meeeee. I did 3.5 yrs in the Infantry and I love this land. I give every man a chance and judge him only on his character but I ain't no sucka either. I watched those towers fall and watched innocent Americans get phuckin beheaded on the internet by these sick, crazy, punk a$$ Muslim's and I won't forget it or ever put my guard down. I have the right to be pissed and to those of you who want to blame America and have already forgot and aren't pissed anymore, don't worry I'll fight for you weaklings too.
I won't drink the kool aid either and say ohhh but, Christians have done bad too or we can't profile folks. If you can't speak English....ur possibly here illegally (show me some ID) and if you are here on visa and of Arab descent....u might be a terrorist! It's that simple for me.
I'm gonna get back to talking armwrestling now so, it's time to watch two of my friends (Devon and Travis) bang it out in LA. My work here is done.
Post by Aaron Blevins on Feb 15, 2011 21:57:18 GMT -5
^ this.
Post by kyledarby on Feb 16, 2011 1:45:10 GMT -5
Bold yet kind of stings because it's true and the UN is satan.
Post by Dan Benoit on Feb 16, 2011 1:53:21 GMT -5
Giles and Aaron, thank you for supporting us. I have no problem sayin what I think, sorry to ever offend anyone, but please be considerate to everyones idea. Aaron whats this I hear about u bitchin im in the rankings? grow some nads. I like u as a person not an armwrestler.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 16, 2011 5:50:32 GMT -5
Im sure you guys did it out of the kindness of your heart right? Not for any power or monetary gains in the long run? i und€rstand that from th€ €xampl€ you gav€ about th€ Am€rican €xpr€ss that in around you if som€on€ h€lps anoth€r on€ its b€caus€ of to g€t som€thing back but its not th€ cas€ in this subj€ct. sam€ as wh€n Crusad€rs got J€rusal€m th€y kill€d €v€ry J€ws,Muslim and Orthodox Christian that liv€d th€r€ as public whil€ wh€n Saladdin got J€rusal€m back and h€ s€nt th€ p€opl€ saf€ly to €urop€ by th€ ships by prot€cting th€m till th€ ships by sp€nding th€ir own mon€y.what did th€y gain by this? nothing but a tru€ r€sp€ct that r€ach€d till today which you can not buy with your am€rican €xpr€ss card..
Post by enginterzi on Feb 16, 2011 6:55:08 GMT -5
15. c€ntury,Spain is forcing th€ J€ws to conv€rt Catholic Christianity,or di€ or l€av€.w€ hav€ s€nt our ships and brought th€m to our €mpir€.gav€ th€m th€ b€st plac€s.or you w€r€ thinking that w€ should just f€€d th€m without r€quiring th€m to work? what is wrong with you that can not €v€n comm€nd such good action?
why n€€ds to try to cov€r th€ sun with th€ mud? is that b€caus€ what you h€ar do€s not f€€d your assimilat€d brain which b€li€v€s Muslims ar€ bad p€opl€?
your paranioas ar€ th€ r€sults of th€ actions of your politicians.first you g€n€ralis€d by saying "€v€ry for€ign Muslim" but now chang€d to any Arab d€sc€ndant.a good progr€ss but still n€€ds to progr€ss.did your progr€ssion happ€n b€caus€ of r€ading how your fath€rs and my fath€rs fought should€r to should€r in Kor€a?
just ask mor€ and you will l€arn mor€.and now w€ ar€ providing saf€ty in Afganistan and L€banon in th€ way that no nation's army could do it.publics of thos€ countri€s ar€ not s€ing us as €n€mi€s b€caus€ th€y know that w€ would not touch to th€ir wom€n nor tortur€ th€m.
Post by enginterzi on Feb 16, 2011 7:02:28 GMT -5
also on WW2 wh€n Turkish diplomats sav€d J€ws from th€ hands of Nazis by risqing th€ir own liv€s th€y gain€d only on€ thing which was th€ risqu€ of b€ing a targ€t for Hitl€r who forc€d us to join th€ war but som€how w€ surviv€d without g€tting involv€d (thanks GOD).
Post by enginterzi on Feb 16, 2011 7:22:15 GMT -5
Let me say this perfectly clear: Engin, Omar Bennurken, and Durson Ondar called me from Turkey on 9/11 as it was happening to express their disgust over what was happening and to stand beside me as a friend when my nation was being attacked. They were watching the news in disbelief just like we all were. Engin and I disagree often. But that is the nature of politics. It is also the nature of perspective. We can see the same thing and come away with two different viewpoints based on our view of the world and our own experiences. Engin's honor is something I will stand up for with no question. He is brutally honest, and we all know he has a quick temper. They don't call him Angry Turk for nothing. If he is offensive at times it is because he is more concerned with being honest than being kind. Sometimes he says things that are unfortunate because he is angry. I am not here to defend Engin's personality. But I will defend his honesty and integrity 100%. i pull€d at th€ top WTC only 5,5 months b€for€ s€pt€mb€r 11. 2001. i saw th€ attacks on tv by thinking that it was a movi€.i curs€d th€ action without knowing n€ith€r caring about th€ ID of th€ r€sponsibl€s.sam€ as i curs€d th€ r€sponsibl€s of clust€rs bombs that w€r€ thrown to L€ban€s€ civillians. i dislik€ my t€mp€r and wish it was not part of my natur€.sland€ring is th€ thing that mak€s my t€mp€r at its high€st b€caus€ it can b€ don€ only by p€opl€ who has th€ worst p€rsonality. it is not our €y€s that mak€s us b€ing abl€ to s€€ th€ truth... It is harder to crack a prejudice than an atom. ALBERT EINSTEIN
Post by Dan Benoit on Feb 16, 2011 14:46:08 GMT -5
Engin, you won my brother.
Post by Dan Benoit on Feb 16, 2011 14:49:12 GMT -5
Engin, I took the time to read all that. So they did gain something they gained respect which is worth alot of money in the long run. Of course respect is a gamble, but either way they wernt working for free my friend.