Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:19:20 GMT -5
They use that as their fact which is a spiritual fact to them, a scientist has hard facts disproving evolution. There is a huge difference between the two if looked at closely. Let me point out the biggest difference. Our opinions when it comes to God whether we believe he exist or not is our own opinion which can't be proven or disproven. System has worked for thousands of years. Whereas science is a flawed system that states facts and proves them wrong consistently. The only thing science truly leads to is what we had in the first place, more and more questions. That is the biggest difference I distinguish between the 2
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:25:41 GMT -5
I believe there is no such thing as a TRUE fact though, it can't for a fact be proven that I exist in a sense of the word. Everything is used based on faith, you believe what someone told you they discovered why? Because they said so, doesn't make it true and never will make it a TRUE fact. IMO I believe this is why God holds faith as a quality he likes a lot because he didn't leave true facts otherwise well................let me change what im saying. If God walked up to you in a field and said hello I am God. And you said prove it, then he turned and said see that mountain over there, POOOOF the mountain is gone and there is a flat field. Would you truly believe it was him? Some would then there would be others saying how did he do that??? Where did he come from? It would truly be no different than it is without him standing right in front of us trying to make us believe, which brings me to the reason he gave us a free will, he doesn't want us to just believe because we have to. Faith is that important quality.
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:35:42 GMT -5
The only true fact is there are no facts which disproves that fact
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:43:11 GMT -5
Every rule must have 1 exception ^that rule has no exception which makes it the exception. It's a rule and exception unto itself.
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:43:35 GMT -5
Completely beyond our understanding as was stated before.
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:44:05 GMT -5
Which is a good thing in my opinion. Who would really want to live in a world with ALL the answers? ??
Post by David Owens on Apr 14, 2011 19:50:16 GMT -5
I believe there is no such thing as a TRUE fact though, it can't for a fact be proven that I exist in a sense of the word. Everything is used based on faith, you believe what someone told you they discovered why? Because they said so, doesn't make it true and never will make it a TRUE fact. IMO I believe this is why God holds faith as a quality he likes a lot because he didn't leave true facts otherwise well................let me change what im saying. If God walked up to you in a field and said hello I am God. And you said prove it, then he turned and said see that mountain over there, POOOOF the mountain is gone and there is a flat field. Would you truly believe it was him? Some would then there would be others saying how did he do that??? Where did he come from? It would truly be no different than it is without him standing right in front of us trying to make us believe, which brings me to the reason he gave us a free will, he doesn't want us to just believe because we have to. Faith is that important quality. I can see it,feel it, taste it, touch it, or hear it then it exsist, yes we are not all scientist so we are at one point or another taking someones word.....the difference is if a scientist tells me humans have a brain he can also prove it. I see where you are coming from, somewhere along the line we have to decide to have faith in something
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:56:15 GMT -5
^Actually it can be theorized that we can't truly see what is there. Our eyes are very limited tools......... I can't for a fact say i have a brain, same as i can't for a fact say that I see the same colors you do. It's all an opinion. We think it exist because we see it. That doesn't mean it TRULY exist................You have to go into different thought processes when discussing facts. There are TRUTHS but no FACTS.
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:58:09 GMT -5
There are many ways your mind can manipulate your senses into hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, smelling what you want it to. Doesn't always mean it's a fact. It can be observed but it's still not a true fact. Who is to say your brain is what truly makes us who we are? Thats just a theory it's not a fact. The TRUTH is there is a brain there but the use of it is just a theory.
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 19:58:35 GMT -5
The only fact is there are no facts which disproves that fact...........
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 20:00:45 GMT -5
I have come to understand people seem to mainly care about if they are right or wrong. I have definitely been guilty of it myself. But i think i see things a little clearer these days. Most want believe me but my mind changed after I prayed about being able to see things in a different perspective an think about things differently. That my friend is a truth but still not a fact
Post by enginterzi on Apr 14, 2011 20:14:56 GMT -5
i find GOD more in the spiritual reasons than in physical ones.for example i find GOD in mercy,love,sharing etc things and in it's opposite ones which are crated for the test of obedience.
the next level of the subject should be why we are being tested and how disobedience happenned while all have been created by HIM.
according to my belief GOD created us by putting HIS breath into us.i do not believe creating us in HIS image means GOD to have actual hands and legs or sex organ.maybe image of HIS character? GOD is jeaolous of what He deserves,are we not all? who would want his own son to call and consider someone else as his father?
lucifer has not fallen for nothing except his pride while He had to be responsible to obey GOD whose wisdom is unreachable.but he found himself at the position of judging while he had no wisdom about any judgement of GOD who created man above him.so his mistake was him to not to know his place.
it may sound as a tale to some but when i look at the life i realise that nothing different is happening than what i shared above.just happens on a different level.about knowledge,wisdom,pride etc..
i know that our understanding is limited to a point and faith is not to know all but to know enough.if i would believe that everything we have is a material world and there is no inner world then i would not be convinced about GOD.but finding GOD 100% in my inner world is more convincing than in a material discovery as material things have their beginnings and ends and i do not expect to find HIM there but HIS signs which are calculated in my inner world.to deny HIM for not being proved physically reminds me a blind man who denies the things because of his disability.just because we have eyes to see even that does not provide us to see everything as it is also limited and we are able to see more than our natural capacity it is because of our intelligence which is also limited.it is a perfect spiritual test for man to be created with physical needs while he is given all he needs but prohibited to cross the borders which is being unrighteous.
saying the truth or not,or i should say deceiving someone or being honest.even these are the proves for me to believe in GOD in my inner world which actually makes me who i am.
is there anyone amongst us who would like to be lied or decieved? so the life is not all about what we see,hear or touch but also is about what comes out of a man,where you can find much more than what you see,hear or touch.
what we have in us is larger than what we see outside.the physical body and material world are the vehicles to express what is in us.such as a pen or a key board to express my inner world on this forum.you do not see what is happening in my inner world until i express them by using these vehicles,right? but sure they exist no matter if i express them or not.even if i express something no one would know if what i express is a lie or not because we are limited we can not read minds.i just do not find it fair that all wrong doings (including my own wrong doings) to get away without being judged.
one will not fully find GOD with eyes,ears or hands,but in him-her self which is the real world which makes us who we are.
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 20:26:53 GMT -5
^I like that Engin.
Post by enginterzi on Apr 14, 2011 20:36:00 GMT -5
how come do we expect justice in this world while some do not expect a perfect justice which surely does not happen on this earth? how come we want truth to be known in this world while do not expect all the truth to be discovered which does not happen on this earth? why is it a fairy tale to believe in absolute justice just because we can not physically prove this? just because you expect physical evidences does it mean that everything in the history of the mankind happenned as much as it was known? and your heart would accept the answer "we can not find the person who killed your child because we do not have enough of evidence"? would your heart not beg for justice?
i would hate this life if i did not believe that all will be judged perfectly by the ONe who is unlimited...
Post by James Worke on Apr 14, 2011 20:53:35 GMT -5
This is good stuff guys. Im soaking it all in....