Post by enginterzi on Apr 14, 2011 21:20:42 GMT -5
if there was no punishment neither law,would there be more or less crimes?
Post by Johnny Edwards on Apr 14, 2011 21:33:04 GMT -5
There would technically be no crime if there was no law because a definition of crime would not exist. But if you had your morals from God then massive amounts of crime
Post by TK on Apr 14, 2011 21:37:43 GMT -5
^apparently soup made up of organisms. which came from an explosion that exploded from a super massive ball of energy that was located in nothing and then all the right variables happened then slowly over time an aquatic type based life form began growing wings and kept laying its eggs and developed into a chicken over millions of years, therefor obviously the explosion came first DUHHHHH......
Post by TK on Apr 14, 2011 21:39:08 GMT -5
question; if there was no punishment neither law,would there be more or less crimes? It's getting worse either way, most of the people committing the crimes are praying to god they don't get caught. TK
Post by TK on Apr 14, 2011 21:40:03 GMT -5
how come do we expect justice in this world while some do not expect a perfect justice which surely does not happen on this earth? how come we want truth to be known in this world while do not expect all the truth to be discovered which does not happen on this earth? why is it a fairy tale to believe in absolute justic€ just b€caus€ w€ can not physically prov€ this? just b€caus€ you €xp€ct physical €vid€nc€s do€s it m€an that €v€rything in th€ history of th€ mankind happ€nn€d as much as it was known? and your h€art would acc€pt th€ answ€r "w€ can not find th€ p€rson who kill€d your child b€caus€ w€ do not hav€ €nough of €vid€nc€"? would your h€art not b€g for justic€? i would hat€ this lif€ if i did not b€li€v€ that all will b€ judg€d p€rf€ctly by th€ ON€ who is unlimit€d... Judges and po po Will keep the law, we don't need anything else.
Post by TK on Apr 14, 2011 21:40:46 GMT -5
I wanna be wrong...... But don't think I am
Post by kyledarby on Apr 14, 2011 21:55:35 GMT -5
Todd your agnostic approach is really working for you.
Post by John Wilson on Apr 14, 2011 22:26:35 GMT -5
question; if there was no punishment neither law,would there be more or less crimes? It's getting worse either way, most of the people committing the crimes are praying to god they don't get caught. TK Now THAT'S funny right there!
Post by John Wilson on Apr 14, 2011 22:34:04 GMT -5
There are a lot of good thoughts in this thread from both sides. But this thread shows exactly why a debate has to be focused on a single question. I know it's hard to discuss God without religion, but I give Rick a lot of credit for trying.
Lots of tangents in this one, but all in all one of the best threads on the board. I've really enjoyed this one.
Since people like quotes...
"If I had one hour to save the world, I would spend the first 55 minutes defining the problem."
- Albert Einstein
Post by dixonglory on Apr 15, 2011 6:50:02 GMT -5
imo Atheism is ignorance .....when they learn more and more ..the knowledge will take them to theism.... I could say the exact same about theism, if you believe you are being ignorant to the facts......Simon said it earlier but I will say it again.....show me some proof.....or don't call people ignorant for their non-belief en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorancei have checked this before using the term ignorance. i have not used the word ignorants on atheist since it is said to be a word of insult also... i had no intention to insult any men. what i meant is,the basic reason for existence of atheism is lack of interest/opportunity/guidance in acquiring knowledge about the existence of God. many will acquire that knowledge and will turn to theism now or later if they care to know in that subject. if any body is keen to analyze on the fact that ''their must be a creator'' they should spend some time with the embryology and genetics books. the way a small/tiny sperm is carrying a half copy of a 90kg male ...and the facial similarity of a members of a family is not a simple thing for anybody to ignore as mere automatic... you should observe children smiling ,laughing or walking like parents do even when they are living separated from birth.. the men who look at a ''chess playing computer'' with surprise is ignoring the ''human being with memory ,emotions and flexibility'' that is what i meant by ignorance in atheism...
Post by dixonglory on Apr 15, 2011 6:58:33 GMT -5
imo Atheism is ignorance .....when they learn more and more ..the knowledge will take them to theism.... Then I realized we evolved from something I'll never understand and it fo daggum sho ain't a magical outlet master. TK i am not good enough to understand that english.. make simpler language for me please.
Post by James Worke on Apr 15, 2011 8:10:56 GMT -5
ev·i·dence ( v -d ns) n. 1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis. 2. Something indicative; an outward sign: evidence of grief on a mourner's face. 3. Law The documentary or oral statements and/or the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law. tr.v. ev·i·denced, ev·i·denc·ing, ev·i·denc·es 1. To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 2. To support by testimony; attest. Idiom: in evidence 1. Plainly visible; to be seen: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets. 2. Law As legal evidence: submitted the photograph in evidence
Just like the broken window was evidence a burglary took place....the disappearance of a bodyspread cancer is proof a miracle took place. Our court systems allow testimonies and documents as evidence, everyday. By definition of evidence....a document(bible) and oral statements(testimonies) are EVIDENCE of someones beliefs. No matter how someone may believe.....testimonies of Gods work in their life backed up by the bible is enuf EVIDENCE for me. Hundreds of thousands of testimonies IS EVIDENCE, by definition. THATS JUST MY OPINION
Post by Ryan Thames on Apr 15, 2011 8:33:21 GMT -5
Great post!!
Post by Michael Wells on Apr 15, 2011 10:24:51 GMT -5
James, great post!
Post by David Owens on Apr 15, 2011 12:16:58 GMT -5
ev·i·dence ( v -d ns) n. 1. A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis. 2. Something indicative; an outward sign: evidence of grief on a mourner's face. 3. Law The documentary or oral statements and/or the material objects admissible as testimony in a court of law. tr.v. ev·i·denced, ev·i·denc·ing, ev·i·denc·es 1. To indicate clearly; exemplify or prove. 2. To support by testimony; attest. Idiom: in evidence 1. Plainly visible; to be seen: It was early, and few pedestrians were in evidence on the city streets. 2. Law As legal evidence: submitted the photograph in evidence Just like the broken window was evidence a burglary took place....the disappearance of a bodyspread cancer is proof a miracle took place. Our court systems allow testimonies and documents as evidence, everyday. By definition of evidence....a document(bible) and oral statements(testimonies) are EVIDENCE of someones beliefs. No matter how someone may believe.....testimonies of Gods work in their life backed up by the bible is enuf EVIDENCE for me. Hundreds of thousands of testimonies IS EVIDENCE, by definition. THATS JUST MY OPINION Yes the bible is evidence that someone has the belief or wants you to believe they do.......however it is not evidence that what they believe is true....that evidence does not exsist