Post by Christopher Myers on Sept 30, 2004 21:56:38 GMT -5
Good enough
When is it ever good enough? When are humans actually ever satisfied? How rich can a person be before they would say? What I have is good enough How hard can a person work before they would say ? I have worked good enough How much love can a parent devote to their children? Before they would dare to say what I have given is good enough When will a human being compare himself to another? And say what I am is good enough Even if it less than others My natural beauty is good enough My humor is good enough My strength is good enough My wisdom is good enough
We demand adoration We want it at all times We want it from the opposite sex We want it from our colleagues We request it from our peers We demand it from our spouses
We want to be rich enough to get it Attractive enough to get it Popular enough to get it
I ponder how much time we spend being worthy of it How much time do we invest in real truth Really being yourself at the consequence of it not being good enough If we were our true self all the time We would not be as pretty or popular But whatever adoration we received We would be worthy of it It would be real It would be deserved
We could spend less time trying to fake it And much more time trying to actually be worthy of it
I used to long to be the best, long for adoration In a moment of distress it became clear I would never find true happiness and self love Unless I realized and believed What I am is Good Enough
Christopher Myers 9/30/04
Post by Vic Sargent on Oct 1, 2004 7:36:43 GMT -5
Chris that is Awesome !!! I'm going to print that one and put it up at work.. I hope my employees find it as inspirational as I did!!! ;D
Your Brother in Arms Vic
Post by simon on Oct 7, 2004 10:02:31 GMT -5
Brilliant Mr. Myers
Post by Christopher Myers on Oct 24, 2004 22:06:52 GMT -5
Simple wisdom
May I be wise enough to recognize love While I have it, and not after I have lost it
May I be loyal enough to be worthy of love Be loved enough to have someone be loyal
May I trust enough to never be jealous And my actions spare my lover from jealousy
May I make my lover laugh everyday But when I can longer make them laugh I hope I am selfless enough to no longer make them cry
Christopher Myers 10/23/04
Post by Vic Sargent on Oct 25, 2004 7:52:54 GMT -5
Chris you need to publish a book... You are deffianately intouch with what makes a human being a person, friend and companion...
Post by Christopher Myers on Oct 26, 2004 1:08:31 GMT -5
Thanks Victor, I do appreciate your kind words but I hardly think they are book worthy. But as long as my fellow armwrestlers like them I will keep writing and keep posting. I watched a movie tonight it was the movie Christopher Reeve made right before he died. about a little girl who was struck by a car and crippled. her inspiring life story was very moving and I had to write about it it isnt really poetry and it isnt my experiance it is someone else's but I was moved and needed to share it Christopher Myers
Post by Christopher Myers on Oct 26, 2004 1:11:30 GMT -5
I thought I knew what tough was
I grew up with an abusive father I was dragged all around the world While he followed his wander lust Always losing my roots, my friends
I grew up fighting, loved to throw hands Thought if I could knock you down, I was tough Take someone’s best shot and stand, I was tough Thought if I could tolerate physical pain, I was tough
Then I became a father and my mindset changed I learned being responsible was tougher than imagined I learned Getting up everyday for work Regardless of feeling well, was tougher than imagined Being able to discipline your children, when you just want to be their friend, was tougher than imagined
The Irony of this all is ,that none of this scratches the surface of what tough is Tough is Brooke Ellison a little girl hit by a car when she was eleven, Crippled in body but never in spirit Facing a life without being able to move, facing life needing help 24 hours a day Facing the fears of non acceptance, the fear of never knowing a mans love because most are so shallow that they would only see the girl in the chair who couldn’t move ,not the soul and beauty that resided in her mind and the courage she had to overcome her fears and graduate Harvard with honors
Most of us wake every day with the ability to improve our lives and we don’t We have the ability to be self reliant Even if our lives are hard most times we CAN fix our problems one way or another And yet we still falter and wince and whine
Imagine knowing you could not fix it, not now, not ever Imagine having the sum of all your fears come true and not be reversible All the positive thinking in the world could not fix it
Imagine all that and still getting up everyday and facing the world No self pity , just shear determination to move forward
That is what tough is
Christopher Myers 10/25/04
Post by Elaine Blik on Oct 26, 2004 1:28:16 GMT -5
Nice, Chris.... do you ever sleep? (I know I don't until about 2:30am...) Keep up the great inspirational thoughts... Elaine
Post by Christopher Myers on Oct 30, 2004 0:31:27 GMT -5
Elaine, actually no, I sometimes go several days with little or no sleep. I have always been an insomniac.
thanks for the kind words Christopher Myers
Post by Christopher Myers on Nov 16, 2004 7:54:30 GMT -5
what's up
Post by Christopher Myers on Nov 16, 2004 16:17:42 GMT -5
Bravo !!! I want to hear other people words of wisdom !! sometimes ...like now I myself AM OVERLOADED AND NEED THOSE LITTLE REMINDERS TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP so like you sister said " you got to cut out the bullsh*t " thanks Nancy Christopher Myers
Post by guy on Nov 17, 2004 7:38:08 GMT -5
words of wisdom, I like that. Like Vic said you should write a book because you have no Hook ;D Nancy I feel for you and your family. I think your situation can put life into perspective and if only people (me included) wouldnt worry about every little thing that is on our plate. I hope your story has a great ending. keep us informed and you and your family will be in our prayers
Post by enginterzi on Nov 25, 2004 7:27:16 GMT -5
Friend is a singular thing,that is not easily found,but is easily lost.For the friend will not suffer contradiction against him who he supremely loveth.Beware,be ye cautious,and choose not for friend one who loveth not him whom ye love.
Know ye what friend meaneth?friend meaneth nothing but physician of the soul.and so,just as one rarely findeth a good physician who knoweth the sicknesses and understandeth to apply the medicines thereto,so also are friends rare who know the faults and understand how to guide unto good.but herein is an evil,that there are many who have friends that feign not to see the faults of their friend;others excuse them;others defend them under earthly pretext;and,what is worse,there are friends who invite and aid their friend to err,whose end shall be like unto their villainy.beware that ye receive not such men for friends,for that in truth they are enemies and slayers of the soul.
let thy friend be such that,even as he willeth to correct thee,so he may receive correction;and even as he willeth that thou shouldest leave all things for love of GOD,even so again it may content him that thou forsake him for the service of GOD.
but tell me,if a man know not how to love GOD how shall he know how to love himself;and how shall he know how to love others,not knowing how to love himself?Assuredly this is impossible.therefore when thou choose thee one for friend(for verily he is supremely poor who hath no friend at all),see that thou consider first,not his fine lineage,not his fine family,not his fine house,not his fine clothing,not his fine person,nor yet his fine words,for thou shalt be easily deceived.But look how he feareth GOD,how he despiseth earthly things,how he loveth good works,and above all how he hateth his own flesh,and so shalt thou easily find the true friend:if he above all things shall fear GOD,and shall despise the vanities of the world;if he shall be occupied in good works,and shall hate his own body as a cruel enemy.
Nor yet shalt thou love such a friend in such wise that thy love stay in him,for( so )shalt thou be an idolater.but love him as a gift that GOD hath given thee,for shall GOD adorn (him)with greater favour.verily i say unto you,that he who found a true friend hath found one of the delights of paradise;nay,such is the key of paradise.
GOD,by Jesus Christ-according to the Gospel of Barnabas
Post by Tony Carpenter on Dec 1, 2004 17:19:30 GMT -5
the scariest thing is to look up and see someone you've known for years and not recognize them.
Years ago my grandfather started to loose his eyesight from diabetes. His eyes became so blank, it was like he was already dead. When I looked at him for the first time after everything had begun the first thought that came to my head was "of my family, you are the one I care for most and the one I would lose first." Now that he is gone I hope only one thing. Whereever he is he must be at peace, for who he was, a great man. If he's not at peace, either there's no afterlife, or there shouldn't be one.
P.S. Publish your work, I have work I am going to have published one way or another and your stuff is 1000x better. Also don't fret over spelling, that's what spell checks for (not to mention editors). And above all, You have incredible work
Post by Christopher Myers on Dec 12, 2004 21:29:40 GMT -5
Tony, thanks for the compliments and I am sorry about your grandfather. Sometimes when we lose people we love it allows us to remember to cherish the ones that are still here and we take for granted. As far as your works please feel free to post some on this thread I would love to see them. Poetry or expression of any verbal kind is always subject to the perspective of the reader what touches one deeply passes right through someone different. My work could not be 1000 x times better. In my opinion all work is equal when genuine, just appeals to different perspectives Christopher Myers